The Amazing Sushi Buffet Concept

It was 25 years back when I was first presented with sushi, and it was love at first taste. I've been a sushi fiend from that point forward. I was in grade 11 then living with my parents in Vancouver, Canada. That Christmas I went out to Fredericksburg, Virginia, to visit with my cousin and his wife. I remember my cousin asking as to whether I had ever tried sushi.I had no clue what on earth he was talking about. He described that it was a Japanese specialty, by which raw fish was tastefully cooked, typically, on beds of rice. And served by sushi chefs in what could best be depicted as a culinary work of art. Having experienced childhood in Vancouver, which was in those days to a greater degree an early American settlement than a cosmopolitan center, I had never heard the term sushi. Anyway, I was eager to try. So for lunch, my cousin took me to a nearby sushi bar (whose name I cannot remember), and I've been a sushi fan from that point onward.

I reminisce about it being a totally new experience, though one today that everybody acknowledges as common place. You enter the sushi restaurants Fredericksburg, and the sushi chef de cuisine behind the bar shouts out Japanese words of welcome. And it appears like the man or woman you're with, is a regular and knows the chefs and the menu as old friends.

Sushi has Evolved 

The sushi cuisine has much transformed in North America. These days, nearly everybody has heard about sushi and tried it, and millions have become sushi addicts like me. Obviously there are individuals who can't force themselves to embrace the concept of eating raw fish. Perhaps out of dread of contracting a disease from the uncooked fish. However, this dread is unwarranted, as a large number of individuals eat sushi every year in North America, and the incidents of sushi-related food adulteration is trivial.

All you can eat Sushi Buffet

Over the past quarter century since its introduction in North America, the sushi dining has made a huge improvement which has widened its allure. The development of the all you-can-eat sushi buffet has changed the way many individuals have come to know sushi. In the all-you-can-eat sushi buffet the diner pays a flat price for all the sushi he or she can devour in one seating, normally capped at 2 hours by most sushi restaurants Fredericksburg. Most big cities in Virginia will have a restaurant of this style.


To conclude, today you can eat quality, exotic and fresh Sushi without breaking the bank.

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